Well...I admit I'm not yet ready for this meeting.I've not finished my reading yet, plus when I'm supposed to discuss with my boss, he felt sick for a week...So, I came here half prepare, still a learner, observed the world plan for environment..waaaa...it's really technical, but i struggle to be among these people..
The meeting is Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Aviation Emissions Task Force (AETF) at Singapore Aviation Academy(SAA), near Changi. Still an interesting topic or area that I need to cover..wow really need a lot of study on this matter..huhuhu me covering the 44 post for substantial issues like environment, communicable disease, D-8 etc..the truth is I'm busy with my study, which it's in the final stage, but lot a lot of problem rise lately..so that's why,I'm trying hard, really hard to catch up everything, and this environment thing was left aside...
I wish i had more time to study this matter more...aiyoo..felt guilty :(
to My dearest Sayang...there's always up and down in our relaltionship. but most important is we get thru it together..ur weaknesses is my strength & my weakness is ur strength..love u much sayang..can't wait to see u again..